Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September Garage Sale a Success!

The weatherman provided a beautiful, sunny fall day - perfect for shopping. Our club members, friends and neighbors provided a ton of great items to sell. Our co-chairmen, Darlene and Adele, worked really hard to get things organized, and several members of the club assisted with layout, pricing, sales and clean-up.

Here are Eleanor, Darlene, Winona and Adele taking a much-needed break from the action. The sale ended a little after 4 p.m. and members plus a couple husbands made quick work of clean-up. Leftover items were donated to various non-profits around town. Thank you, thank you, to everyone who helped - and of course shopped (!!).

Friday, September 14, 2012

September Happenings

September has gotten off to a great start with lots of activities in the offing. Plans are set for our next big Garage Sale on Saturday, September 22!

Members are busy collecting sale items from friends, family and their own households, and there are bound to be some great items (and deals) available. Word has it that there will be tools, household goods, a bedroom set, and much more. Plan to be there! The address is 4039 Rosewood, Longview, and we'll be manning those tables from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.

In October we'll be participating in "Make a Difference Day," a nationwide day of neighbors helping neighbors. Altrusa clubs all over the country plan projects for this particular day, which this year is October 27. Our club will be on a scavenger hunt that day, to find useful items that can be distributed through other service organizations in our area. More information to come on that!

One of the local groups we help support with our donations is Cowlitz 2 Fire & Rescue. Board member Maggi Mioliis, on left in the above photo, was our club's representative at the September 11 remembrance ceremony in Kelso. She presented our donation check at the ceremony.

Fall is full of opportunities for The Breakfast Bunch. In the weeks ahead, look for information on our annual poinsettia sale, our toy wagon raffle, and some Christmas giving ideas. See you soon!