Monday, September 21, 2009

Here Comes Bertie Bear ....

Mindful of our mission in literacy, our club conceived a plan to bring stories to young children to help open the world of books for them at an early age thereby enriching their lives and opportunities for their success in the future.

“Bertie Bear Literacy Program” is a fun, rewarding experience that allows volunteer members of our club to be guest readers in local Head Start classrooms, taking along a very popular 3 ½ foot stuffed bear named Bertie. “Bertie loves story time,” we tell the children. We read a story about a bear, donate the book to the classroom, plus give them coloring books with a story about Bertie Bear on its pages. This program has proven very popular with Head Start area teachers, the kids we read to, and extremely rewarding for our members.

Cowlitz County suffers from a high unemployment rate, significant high school drop-out rates, and many children qualify for Head Start assistance. Three of our members are teachers and know firsthand the joy that books can bring to youngsters just discovering stories. They are also very aware of the lack of reading done in many area children’s homes.

Virtually every member of our club has been involved in this project in some way. Many of us are done raising our children so spending a hour or two with these youngsters and their vivid imaginations and boundless energy makes us all feel younger too, so it is a win-win situation in our minds. If you wish to donate funds to help us purchase books and coloring books, please click the email link below and contact us.

And if you get a chance, read a goodnight story aloud to a child in your life tonight.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Christmas Is Right Around the Corner ... So Order Now!!

Christmas is right around the corner .... I know Halloween or Thanksgiving aren't even here yet, but Christmas is coming ... so it is time to order your holiday Poinsettias.  The "Breakfast Bunch" Altrusa of Cowlitz County is selling Poinsettias for the holidays so be sure to place your order early so you don't miss out!!  Just send us a quick email at the link below to place your order.

The current choices available are red, white, pink and marble and they are only $12.00 each.  They are lush, full, gorgeous 6" pots and the pick up date will be approximately November 24th - just in time to deliver to all your friends and family for the holidays!! 

Our fund raising efforts fund scholarships at LCC, the Emergency Support Shelter, plus many other deserving organizations in Cowlitz County so your generous donations and purchases of Poinsettias will be very much appreciated.

Please contact us if you have any questions and thank you for making this fund raiser another great success for The Breakfast Bunch!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Make A Difference Day .... October 24, 2009

What is make a difference day?  Make A Difference Day is the largest national day of helping others - a day of neighbors helping neighbors - and best of all - everyone can participate!!

Can you imagine taking a bath or shower and having nothing more than a wash rag or hand towel to dry off with?

Full-sized bath towels are something that a majority of us take for granted.  But what if you didn't have any available?? 

Upon hearing of the need at the Emergency Support Shelter, Altrusa International of Cowlitz County "The Breakfast Bunch" decided to make a difference ONE TOWEL AT A TIME!

Your help is needed to make this difference a HUGE please bring your donation of bath towels to any of the following locations listed below the week of October 18-23.  If you have donations, but are unable to deliver, please contact us and we will come and pick up your donation.

All donations will be presented to the Emergency Support Shelter on Saturday, October 24th. 

Thank you for your generous donations!!!!

Banda's Bouquets, 1310 Broadway Street
Blue Water Wireless, 1035 Vandercook Way