Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Post-Holiday Update

The holidays and all the fun that goes with them have come and gone. At our club Christmas Party this year we got together to make darling stuffed animals that we can donate to one of our local charities. Altrusans chose their favorite animal and brought it to its well-rounded cuteness with stuffing. It was a fun and worthwhile afternoon - a good way to celebrate and be able to pass along that spirit to others.

So - onward to other fun activities!

Our club's major fundraiser, Spell-ebration, is coming up Friday, March 9 at the Kelso Theater Pub. Reservations for 3-person teams and tickets for the event are now available. Click on this link to download more information and the form:  http://poouster.com/altrusa/spellingbee-resgistrationforms2012.pdf